Made by Lucy :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Kapahaka road show

Last Friday Breens Intermediate and Harewood School visited Woodend School as part of their kapahaka road show.  Our senior kapahaka performed first and did us all very proud.  There were excellent examples of poi, haka and even tiaha.
Thank you Matua Travis for including us in your road show - it was a wonderful opportunity for us to experience kapahaka and see what we are capable of achieving.


This term we have been looking at Dance in other cultures.  We have been learning a range of dances eg line dancing, stomp, shuffling and slap dance.  We are all enjoying learning the dances and the children pick the moves up very easily.  It is great to see them developing their confidence and most even performed in front of the class -some even went solo!!  Check out some of the pictures below.

Be sure to come along to the final assembly and see us perform our slap dance!!


On Friday 18th November Woodend School had their 2nd Hangi.  It was another awesome day with entertainment provided by the kapahaka groups, choir and the school band.  Big thank you to all those families who donated vegetables and meat - without your help these things simply couldn't happen.  Another HUGE thanks go to the Tiweka family for all of their hard work to make sure this event could happen.  Rm 15 were involved with digging the hole and setting up on the day.  See some photos below.  As you can see there is a very friendly and caring culture within our class as students played hand games waiting for their turn to dig.
The whole was just big enough to fit Rm 3 in!!

As you can see there were plenty of pumpkins to cut!!